Hiruy Amanuel’s 10 Tips to Scale Your Small Business

3 min readOct 7, 2021

So, your small business is doing great, and that’s great! But like any startup, you want it to continue to grow and succeed over the long term. Scaling a business is no easy feat, but there are many things you can do to ensure scalability. Hiruy Amanuel provides ten highly effective strategies for how to scale your small business.

1. Hire a PR Firm

Once you’ve got reliable cash flow and things are running smoothly, consider hiring a public relations firm to help increase your brand’s exposure. They can build on your success and help you seek new customers in ways your marketing team may not have considered.

2. Utilize Cloud Computing

Cloud computing streamlines many tedious tasks for your business and allows you to utilize data efficiently when making decisions. The more frequently you can make objective, data-driven decisions, the more likely you’ll be able to grow your business.

3. Ensure Customer Satisfaction

Prioritizing customer satisfaction seems like a simple task, but it’s easy to lose sight of this objective once you have a large enough customer base. Losing even one customer can cause your business to slow while generating more happy customers will allow it to expand faster.

4. Keep Processes Straightforward

As your business increases in size, you may find you have more processes and procedures than ever, which is only natural. However, don’t get caught up in too many details or make things too complex. Doing so will only waste valuable time and inhibit your business’s growth.

5. Value Your Employees

Getting more people on your team is always a good sign of growth. And the longer those people stay on, the more successful everyone will be. Remember that loyal employees will work harder and stay committed — all things that will help scale your business.

6. Don’t Cut Corners

Think before you act. Your business might be at the point where you can start to feel more comfortable and be willing to take shortcuts but avoid the temptation. By cutting corners, you’re putting the integrity of your business on the line.

7. Stay Involved — Just Not Too Much

In the beginning, you did everything for your startup. But now, much like a child growing up into an adult, you have to know when to step back and let things be. You should have employees you can trust to do their jobs, so let them do them.

8. Just Say No

Not every idea or innovation is excellent, and not every proposed solution is the best one. If you want to improve your business’s scalability, you have to be willing to say “no” to people or ideas that you don’t believe in. If you spread your enterprise too thin, it will suffer the consequences.

9. Value Time

We all know time is precious, and with a growing company, that becomes even more true. Make sure you’re not wasting your time nor the time of your employees. Having responsible time management for your business will naturally improve its growth potential.

10. Ask for Help When You Need It

Sometimes the best way to ensure successful scalability is to know when to ask for help. The vision for the company might have been yours to being with, but you can’t know or do everything. Instead, learn when to rely on the skills and knowledge of those around you.

About Hiruy Amanuel

Hiruy Amanuel is an expert on technology and a devoted philanthropist. He has invested in numerous educational and technological initiatives in East Africa. Amanuel believes that groundbreaking technologies will happen quickly throughout the Horn of Africa as access to quality education and technology increases.




Hiruy Amanuel is an African investor who is building and uplifting the new technological era in Ethiopia and greater Africa.